
Mission: Our mission is to serve the common man through co-operative means and bring financial security to liberate them from the oppression of the economically strong people and organizations


Mr. Dinesh Kumar


Mr. Virender Goutam


Mr. Deepak Verma


Mr. Avinash Chandra

Male Member

Mrs. Poonam

Female Member

Mrs. Santosh Verma

Female Member

Many hands work together is always
make an awesome things.

About Sankalp Co-Operative

The Sankalp Co-operative Society is registered under the Delhi-state Cooperative Societies Act 1972. The Sankalp Urban Thrift and Credit Co-operative Society Limited is a leading technologically advanced and professionally managed Co-operative Society operating in Delhi, with plans for future expansion across India.

Sankalp's mission is to serve the common man through co-operative means and bring financial security to liberate them from the oppression of the economically strong people and organizations.